We are a family-held and operated wholesale nursery specializing in starter plants for the Christmas tree, timber, and ornamental nursery trades, as well as in plants native to the Pacific Northwest. We are the largest producer in Oregon for native plants used for streambank restoration. Plants are offered in multiple formats, including:
Bare root seedlings
Trees and native shrubs in one gallon containers
Trees established in pots for the grafting trade
Seedlings in the plug format are also popular for green tree gifts, and are frequently ordered for memorials, weddings and special events.
Our nursery began on a small farm in Brooks – a small community in the rich, green Willamette Valley. Additional farms have been purchased or rented in the past years, bringing the total to eight farms on 500 acres.
The soil in our Willamette Valley farms is sandy and beautiful for fine-rooted seedlings. The long growing season allows us to produce large seedlings, ready for field or container plantings. The cool, moist, high elevation farms were purchased for the production of premium Noble Fir trees.
Our Farm
The original Brooks location now houses the plug production facility, and is capable of producing two million plugs per year. New packing facilities and offices have been added, allowing us to pack up to 500,000 trees per day. On-site monitored cold storage holds up to three-million trees at a time. Additional cold storage and freezer storage is rented nearby.
Plants may be picked up at our wholesale nursery or shipped to you. Commercial truck, Federal Express, UPS and airfreight are all available for shipping to distant locations. Let us know how we can best serve you!
What They Are Saying
Just a quick note to thank you and all the folks at Brooks for the able assistance and insuring the stock was ready when we arrived. Again the year the public sale was a success, despite a rather damp day. The stock we purchased was high quality and sold quite well. We are looking forward to next year and be placing an order in the near future.
Thank you for everything you do for the industry.