Mahonia nervosa: Longleaf Mahonia (Band Pot)

Native to west coast foothills, the purple/green holly shaped leaves grow from a central crown. Bright yellow flowers, blue berries, grows to 2′. High demand makes early orders essential.

90px-usda_logo Click on the USDA logo to view this PLANTS Profile with all synonyms, distribution map and other information.


Please order pots in full boxes of 40 for shipment or 36 for pick up at the nursery. A full box weighs approximately 50-52 pounds. Each pot is wrapped in a plastic bag to offer additional protection in case the box is tipped during shipment. A special packing fee of $10 per box applies. Tip: Sometimes one size is sold out while other sizes are still available. A current availability list is posted on the home page to provide information on status, price and sizes of all products.